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Savercraft Rules

  1. Griefing Rules
    • Griefing is NOT allowed, in claimed or unclaimed land. Note that stealing from unclaimed bases IS allowed.
    • Destroying the wilderness for resources is allowed, but mass destruction of the map for any other reason is considered griefing.
    • Building a tower of blocks to gain height for an elytra is against the rules, this is considered griefing.
    • Harvesting should be done in the resource world (/wild).
  2. Harassment Rules
    • Harassment will NOT be tolerated on Savercraft. This includes being overly rude or snarky.
    • Having a nickname and/or username similar to other user's usernames can result in a punishment up to 30 days.
    • If you have issues with a particular player, it is highly recommended you report them, /ignore the player, move on, and report the player, if necessary. Do not harass them back or further escalate.
    • Do not bypass mutes, ignores, or contact players who do not wish to speak to you.
  3. Chat/Community Rules
    • Refrain from harassmentracismexcessive swearingexcessive sexual content, hate speech, and discussing sensitive topics such as self-harmpoliticsdrug usealcohol use, and abuse. This includes abusive language about the server itself, this is not allowed.
    • Inappropriate usernamesbuildssignagecontentprefixes/custom rank tagsskins, and renamed items are not allowed.
    • Advertisement of other servers is not allowed. Some examples are advertising discords, IP's, and names. This will result in a permanent ban from our network.
    • The advertisement of Savercraft on other servers is not allowed, this will result in a permanent ban from our network.
    • Actively attempting to steal players from Savercraft to another server is not allowed. This includes poaching players from our Discord too.
    • If both parties allow it, you may speak your mind in private chat such as /msg or /party chat.
    • Any discussion related to DDoS attacks, cyber threats, or real-life dangers, regardless of where it occurs will be treated as a serious offense and subjected to severe punishments. This applies to both in-game conversations including evidence obtained from screenshots from outside of the server, regardless of the intent behind the statement. All instances of violating this rule will be dealt with equitably.
  4. Hacking Rules
    • Hacking or Exploiting on Savercraft will result in a ban from the network. This includes but is not limited to hackingx-raybottingkill auraflyfree-cam/free-lookeasy place, or any other modifications that allow you to gain an unfair advantage.
    • Allowed Clients/Mods: mini-maps that do not show entities, spawners, cave systems, chests, are allowed, staff discretion may be used in specific cases. Other allowed clients/mods are waypoints, or anything that displays information already known in the F3 menu, FullbrightLunar clientLitematica (no easy place), Optifineperformance/fps boosters.
    • Any exploits that arise from bugs with vanilla Minecraft features or server plugins such as duping cannot be used and must be reported. Rewards will be given based on severity.
    • Note that Jitter, Butterfly, Drag, and Auto clicking are all against our rules and can result in punishment.
  5. Player Automation Rules
    • Player automation is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to botting (baritone, etc.), auto-clickers, and key weights.
    • You must be able to respond to a staff member promptly, staff discretion can and will be used at times.
    • Farms that require you to AFK or do manual work are allowed.
    • Fishing Machines are not allowed (even if the mouse is manually held down).
    •     Disallowed Examples:
             • 3rd party software such as auto clickers
             • Hardware exploits such as unplugging a mouse to continue inputs
             • Physical objects such as weights or tape
             • An AFK machine such as an AFK pool
             • Using things such as F3 + T to auto click
             • Bypassing the AFK kick.
  6. Player Combat Rules
    • Random player combat is NOT allowed. You must get permission from the other party before fighting.
    • Rules of the fight should be laid out beforehand. Breaking those rules may result in the other party reporting you.
    • Entering PvP-marked areas automatically consents you to PvP.
    • Tping or baiting players to a PvP area to fight them is NOT allowed.
    • Hitting someone else even once allows them to hit or even kill you back, though it is recommended you just report them as fights may get confusing to judge.

  7. Claiming Rules
    • Claims are automatically deleted after 45 days of inactivity unless you have 100,000 claim blocks or more. Includes used claim blocks.
    • Player warps will also automatically delete if you are offline for 90 days.
    • Do not claim or build within 50 blocks of an existing claim without permission from the claim owner. Failure to do so may result in your build being removed.
    • It is still recommended to claim past just your build area to save a piece of land for future use.
    • Claims that break the 50-blocks claim rule must be reported in a timely manner. Not reporting someone's claim violation and allowing them to build for weeks may mean that their claim might not be removed.
    • Do not trespass on claims. If you repeatedly ignore the claim owner's wishes for you to leave, you may be forcibly removed and punished.

  8. Promoting Rules
    • Advertising within or near other shops without permission is not allowed.
    • Advertising PW's or other services on /ah is limited to 1 listing. Even if you are advertising a different PW, you may only have 1 listing.
    • AH advertisements should be priced at 999999 or higher.
    • No reselling of map art created by someone else without their permission.
    • Advertising in-game economy-related things must be limited to every 30 minutes in chat, this includes auction house listings, player warps, claims for rent, and any other economy-related things.
  9. Respect Rule
    • Respectful language is expected at all times. You may be punished if you use aggressive or abusive language towards staff.
    • Do not argue with staff in public chat. If you have any issues, please use /report to file a complaint or appeal.
    • Do not beg for ranks, items, or beg for other things. This includes begging ranked players to run commands/use perks that only they can access. For example, begging a ranked player to mine a spawner for you will result in a punishment.

  10. Reporting Rule
    • If you see anyone breaking the rules, report it. If you do not report the infraction, you will be seen as an accomplice to the rule break.
    • Provide as much information as possible when reporting, such as screenshots, chat logs, and player names.
    • False reports may result in punishment for the reporter.
    • We do not support cases where a user loans money to other players and doesn't receive it back/the deal goes sour. By giving out loans you are aware of the risks of no protection by the moderation team.
  11. Chunk Limits
    • Bypassing the lag restriction is not allowed.
    • Armor stands: 16
    • Mobs: 28
    • Guardians: 12
    • Withers: 3
    • This includes most types of mobs, mobs won't spawn after the limit.
    • Eg. In a chunk, you could have 12 chickens and 12 cows, OR you can have 24 cows
    • Villagers are NOT included in this and are not limited.
    • Max entity cramming is set to 8
    • Transportation (Minecart/Boat/Furnace Minecart/etc): 6
    • Block Limits: Settler+/Awoken+/Divine+/Saver
    • Hoppers 30/40/50/60
    • Pistons 30/40/50/60
    • Observers 30/40/50/60
    • Repeaters/Comparators 40/50/60/70
  12. Lag Rules
    • Farms/machines built must be useful and efficient as possible to not cause any unnecessary lag.
    • Farms/machines that run constantly and don’t produce anything useful should be turned off when not in use.
    • Chunk loaders are not allowed.
    • No lava casting anywhere.
    • Flying machines are not allowed.
    • Bypassing this rule in any way while being inactive is not allowed.
  13. English only in chat
    • Our staff team cannot moderate languages outside of English, which is why we ask this.
    • Non-English is allowed in private messages (/msg ).
  14. Alt-accounts
    • Alts are allowed but must be logged off above 45 online players.
    • Only one additional alt account may be used for AFK purposes.
    • You are allowed to vote on alt-accounts and give your main account the rewards, though logging on a bunch of alts to give yourself the starting money is not allowed.
    • You are not allowed to use Alt job furnaces.
  15. VPN Usage
    • VPN’s are not allowed to be used. If you do use a VPN or Proxy and it works, it is at the risk of the player. Whenever a player logs in, their IP is recorded, thus using a VPN has the risk of associating your username with a banned player. To avoid any sort of issues, it is recommended you do not use a VPN.
  16. No Gambling
    • This includes making casinos, chance based games, mystery boxes.
    • The rule is to protect players and reduce staff needing to constantly check for malicious intent. Therefore if both parties are friends and allow it knowing the risks, you may engage in this kind of behavior.
  17. No IRL Trading
    1. This includes trading in-game items or currencies for real-life items/money, this is prohibited.
    2. You may only trade in-game items for packages purchasable on

The server staff reserves the right to make changes to the rules at any time.

Punishments may be given out for unlisted rules at staff discretion.